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    玩个机吧 翻个墙

    Page history last edited by Carol Koechlin 1 year, 10 months ago



    玩个机吧 翻个墙

    玩个机吧 翻个墙

    玩个机吧 翻个墙

    玩个机吧 翻个墙

    玩个机吧 翻个墙

    玩个机吧 翻个墙



    Treasure Mountain Canada is visioned as an extension of a research retreat project called Treasure Mountain, developed and supported by Dr. David Loertscher and colleagues in 1989. A dozen retreats since then have established this 'meeting of the minds' in school library research as a valuable catalyst for improvement based on analysis of research in the field.


    TMC Objectives:

    • ·         Address the needs of 21st Century learners.
    •       Explore ideas and receive inspiration
    • ·         Alert the school community to the urgent need to refocus
    • ·         Analyze the Canadian research available and encourage further academic and site based research
    • ·         Reinvent school libraries to address evolving needs as the school learning commons
    • ·         Invite researchers, practitioners, stakeholders and policy-makers to collaborate and move forward together


    玩个机吧 翻个墙


    玩个机吧 翻个墙

    玩个机吧 翻个墙

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